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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lowongan Kerja & Karir untuk Lulusan Teknik Elektro, Mesin, dan Teknik Kimia di PT. BADAK NGL Kaltim

PT Badak Natural Gas Liquefaction (NGL), a world class natural gas liquefaction company operating eight sophisticated lng plants in east kalimantan, cordially invites professionals to occupy the following positions: A. AUDITOR (Code: ADT)
1. University Graduate (S1 Degree) majoring in Accounting
2. Having QIA & Accountant(Ak) certification preferred
3. Experienced in Public Accounting Firm preferred
4. Minimum 3 years experience as Auditor
5. Maximum 32 years old as of July 01, 2009

1. University Graduate (S1 Degree) majoring in Law
2. Familiar with handling Corporate Legal, Contract, and Industrial Relations matters
3. Experienced in Oil & Gas Company preferred
4. Minimum 3 years experience as Legal Staff
5. Maximum 32 years old as of July 01, 2009

C. ENGINEER (FRESH GRADUATE with maximum 27 years old as of July 01, 2009)
C.1 Engineer, Electrical (Code: ELC/C)
University Graduate (S1 Degree) majoring in Electrical Engineering‐Power

C.2 Engineer, Mechanical (Code: MCH/C)
C.3 Engineer, Rotating Equipment (Code: ROT/C)
C.4 Engineer, Inspection (Code: INS/C)
University Graduate (S1 Degree) majoring in Mechanical Engineering‐Energy Conversion/ Mechanical Construction

C.5 Engineer, Chemical (PRC/C)
University Graduate (S1 Degree) majoring in Chemical Engineering

1. Strong leadership, aggressive attitude, and team work mindset
2. Excellent command in oral and written English
3. GPA: 2.75

We offer a competitive compensation and benefit package designed to meet your qualification, including housing, school, sport & recreation facilities in a peaceful environment for your family.

If you are interested, send your application letter together with the completed Application Form, Curriculum Vitae & Transcript not later than July 30, 2009 to: e-mail ini dilindungi dari spambot, anda harus memampukan JavaScript untuk melihatnya

The Application Form can be downloaded at click recruitment, click Application Form, or

Lowongan Staff IT PT TRI BANYAN TIRTA (ALTO): deadline 19 Januari 2010

PT. TRI BANYAN TIRTA adalah produsen Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) dengan merek ALTO yang mulai berdiri sejak tahun 1997 dan saat ini memiliki pabrik yang berlokasi di Desa Babakan Pari, Sukabumi dan Cileungsi – Bogor. ALTO diproduksi dengan pengawasan ketat dan telah memiliki pengakuan kualitas baik secara nasional dan internasional (Halal, POM, SNI, WHO & ABWA). PT. TRI BANYAN TIRTA membutuhkan: Staff IT (Information Technology).

Job Description:

• Melakukan perawatan/perbaikan komputer, program komputer dan jaringan
• Melakukan perawatan rutin
• Back up data setiap bulan
• Update antivirus setiap bulan

• Pria, usia 19 s/d 28 tahun
• Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik Informatika
• Memiliki SIM C
• Domisili Jakarta Barat/Jakarta Selatan

Interested candidates can send their CV to :
PT Tri Banyan Tirta
Graha 3 Warna Lt. 3
Jl. Kelapa 2 Raya No. 60
Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta Barat

Or apply online via: